posted by Saqib at
3:26 AM
Myths and realities of the job industry seen through a Pakistani spyglass
The creator of this online guide did his bachelors in mechanical engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology. He then went on to spend the next year of his life managing 40 of the most union-infested hard nuts on this planet as a production engineer in a factory. And lived to tell the tale. He has also worked as a contributing writer for the Dawn Images for no less than four years. He has lived in Abu Dhabi, UAE; traveled extensively this side of the Atlantic; and feels he has the license to guide the world in diverse arenas through the creation of single purpose dedicated sites. After acquiring a Masters degree in branding, he created two websites and This site is basically a brand extension of brandasy.
Free. Fast. Smart. Post Your Resume FREE Today!
Oil Career- Oil Career Professional Placement Services
Permian Basin SPE Section Career Site
Institution of Engineers Pakistan
Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)
Pakistan Agriculture Research Council
Central Cotton Research Institute
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
IPMM - Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials
SAMPE - Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI)
American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE)
American Petroleum Institute (API)
3E's - ELP - Energy, Economics, & Environment - Energy-Literacy Website
Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery Research (EOGRR)
The Training Center: Cogen and Boiler Training School
NJ APPA - The NJ Chapter of The Association of Higher
Facilities Officers
The Motor & Generator Institute - Industry Healthcare Site
Binsky & Snyder Service, Inc. - HVAC and Building Automation Controls
The Solar Turbines Users' Group:
The REM Driver: Electrical ground rod and sign post drivers.
MIT's Cogeneration Facility: Virtual Tour of a Modern Cogen Plant (similar to this Site's Main Page)
International Gas Turbine Institute (ASME) facilitates international forums for the exchange and development of info on gas turbines G/T equipment.
The Sycamore Cogeneration Project Cogen Plant Virtual Tour
Control Temp: HVAC and building automation controls contractors / designers (NJ, NY).
Gator Power Cogen: Cogen Plant Virtual Tour
Energy User's News: Online news magazine for professional Facility Managers and staff. Run by Chiltons.
Career Net: Facilities Engineering Career Information
Association for Facilities Engineering:
Boiler Licenses Unlimited: NJ Operating Engineers License Preparation
Cogeneration / Engineering Links Galore!:
Cogeneration Virtual Library: Related Links and District Energy Organization info
Electric Net Online: Online Directory of Useful Resources for Electrical Power Generation Professionals.
Principles of Chemistry: Online tutorial on chemistry. Explaining pH, nuclear, thermodynamics etc.
Library Of Congress; Science and Technology Reading Room
Facilities.Net: development center / industry news for Facilities Managers, Supervisors and Operators.
Composite Materials Handbook: Provides engineering data and processing information necessary to design and fabricate polymer, metal, and ceramic matrix composites.
Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL): A UK-based searchable, browsable database of quality engineering information on the Internet. Also available are bibliographic databases, particularly the Recent Advances in Manufacturing database.
Current Web Contents™: An ever-growing collection of high-quality, scholarly Web sites developed by ISI® (Institute for Scientific Information®) , the publishers of Current Contents®.
Online Engineering Calculators: Interactive Calculators for everything from Acoustics to Welding
Advanced Materials & Processes Technology Information Analysis Center (AMPTIAC): Materials and processing products, technical inquiries, consulting, upcoming conferences, and library services.
Internet Research Starting Points: A list of both technical and non-technical research starting points brought to you by the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Learning Fountain: Provides links to other directories, search engines, building bibliographies, products and services and many more.
MatHub: Web site devoted to computational materials science, including information about modeling and informatics.
The MEMS Clearinghouse: Provides services to the MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) community, and contains a repository of information, such as a database of MEMS material properties.
Minerals Engineering International Online: free access to current information on all aspects of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-Physics Laboratory: Provides a material database containing physical constants, atomic spectroscopic data, x-ray and gamma data, nuclear physics data and other NIST data.
Optics 2001: Provides information on all aspects of optics - general principles, optical properties of materials, imaging processing, design techniques, etc.
Polymers Dotcom: Provides a basic guide to plastics, a description of material properties, links to polymer producers, recyclers, equipment and tooling.
THOR: The Online Resource of electronic journals provided by Purdue University Libraries
TPSX: A database for advanced thermal protection material properties provided by NASA Ames Research Center
The WWW Virtual Library: Provides information on a variety of engineering subjects such as Chemistry, Ceramics,etc and links to other related sites.
X-ray reflections: Use this online calculator to
determine x-ray specular reflections by multilayers with interface roughness. Created by Sergey Stepanov at the Argonne National
Aerospace Mechanical Systems Division at NASA's Langley Research Center: Provides information on NASA Langley's concurrent engineering process used in the development of aircraft, spacecraft and flight instruments, along with descriptions of environmental testing facilities. Also hosts library of engineering related sites.
NASA Ames Research Center: Specializes in research geared toward creating new knowledge and new technologies that span the spectrum of NASA interests.
New Web-based Petroleum Eng. Calculations & Graphics Website - A new website that offers interactive computing in oil and gas drilling, reservoir, production, geosciences and economics
A National Resources for Global Standards - Global
Constants & Equations - The Constants & Equation Page
Offshore Pictures
Reference Desk
Switchboard Web
Thomas Register
McKinsey Quarterly
Science Site
Laboratory Analysis - TransLab Webpage
Xplanations & Case Studies
ScienceNet: ScienceNet is a free science information service, staffed by scientists who are expert in explaining complex topics in everyday language. A non-profit, non-affiliated website intended to introduce beginners and non-technical people to the world of superconductors.
Pakistan Software Export Board
National Accountability Bureau
The Official Web Gateway to the Government of Pakistan
National Database Registration Authority (NADRA)
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)
Export Processing Zones Authority Pakistan
Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Ltd
North-West Frontier
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