National Talent Hunt Program (NTHP) 2007
National Talent Hunt Program (NTHP)
IBP as a knowledge Institute is committed to provide pro-active and innovative solutions to the financial services sector mainly in the field of Human Resource Management and development. To meet these objective several initiatives were introduced and successfully managed during the recent years. On the sixty first independence day of Pakistan, IBP is pleased to announce a National Talent Hunt Program (NTHP) aiming at developing a National Talent Pool (NTP) for the banks, financial institutions, corporate and other reputed employers.
Banking industry of Pakistan is on a high growth trajectory. The rising volume of business, expanding branch network, cut throat competition and appetite for quality products and processes have brought enormous pressure on the existing human resource inventory. It is felt that there is an acute shortage of competent human resource to meet the ever rising demand. In order to fill this gap the banks resorted to open or targeted recruitment processes. IBP is partnering with eighteen banks and financial institutions in their recruitment and promotion process. During current fiscal IBP, conducted 21 recruitment tests for SBP, NBP, MCB, HSBC, ZTBL, HBFC, Crescent Commercial and Bank Islami in which 17,500 candidates participated. Hardly 1,000 participants reached up to the acceptable pass standard. It is worth mentioning that the participants were from reputed educational institutes and secured good GPA or percentage from them. On the other hand the short listing criteria of the banks are on rise and therefore a good number of candidates may not be eligible to even enter into the test. Our experience in processing job applications and conducting of tests during last five years revealed that a large number of talented youngsters can not enter into the race mainly on account of their low GPA and/or their age crossing the limit.
The banks have their own preferences as to the desired GPA, age, experience, qualification and educational institution, however, IBP as a national Institute can opt for a different set of criteria and thus can effectively contribute towards developing a National Talent Database. Once developed this information will be available to the banks, financial services sector and other reputed employers through a powerful database to be maintained at IBP and will be updated periodically. There will be three specific objectives for this National Talent Hunt Program (NTHP)
a) Offering a chance to all those promising youngsters who cannot enter into the testing process owing to the short listing criteria suggested by the job offeror.
b) Through a scientific testing mechanism the participants will be able to know as to what is their standing in the National Talent Pool
c) Those who fail to reach a minimum pass standard will be advised and offered professional development program
To begin with we are organizing a Know Your Strength (KYS) test exclusively for the MBAs.
Please note, this is not an employment test but it will be a route to enter into the National Talent Pool. The success of this program will open new avenues for the other target groups.
Know Your Strength Test
Schedule: August 14, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. Insha Allah
Centres: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta
Eligibility: MBAs with GPA 2.5 or above and Age up to 30 years as on August 14, 2007
Test Focus: a) English comprehension
b) Logical Thinking
c) Mathematical Intelligence
d) Current Business Affairs
e) General Knowledge
Methodology: Multiple Choice Questions
Duration: 90 minutes
Participation Fee: None.
It is yet another national service offered by IBP without any fee or charges
Result: The test result in the order of merit will be displayed on IBP website
What next: IBP will share this valuable information with banks and other
stakeholders who may be in search of talented youth and may be willing to
consider them for employment
How to apply? Visit
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