What do you think about the economy of Pakistan?
Impress us.
What do you think is the best marketing campaign ever in Pakistan? Why?
What’s the worst?
Who has inspired/impressed you lately?
What has Jack Welch done to become famous?
We’re a seth-based company. We’re giving you 20 people to help you sell a non-branded pencil in just two days. How would you go about it?
Would you be willing to work in Gujranwal? Why?
What’s Pakistan’s GDP in absolute terms?
What’s the per capita income?
What’s the population and its division?
Tell us about a time when you led a team to success. What was the result and what was your contribution? How did you do it?
Tell us about yourself.
What’s your biggest weakness? And don’t give us that crap disguising your strength as your weakness, like being a perfectionist and all. We’ve been tired of listening to that crap the entire day from the entire IBA. Be honest about it.
Why should Unilever hire you?
Why should Unilever hire an MBA with a technical background and not a BBA MBA?
Tell us three things that your friends will identify you with.
Labels: career, Interview, management trainee, Pakistan, Unilever
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